Friday, August 21, 2009

Whats Happiness?

lately ive struggled to find happiness throughout my search ive still havent managed to find happiness.
Everyday I put a fake smile on a face as if nothing has ever happend.
I've tried to make things better but the better one thing gets another thing bails on me..
when will everything be okay at once ? I guess thats something I would wish back for
it feels like the world is fading away from me ive lost a close friend who knows what i may lose tomorrow? if only i could find a way to stop my mistakes
should i just stop trying ? the more I try the badder things seem to turn out but if I stop trying things seem too stay the same which is bad enough

Ive made it so clear to the girl that I have feelings for her but she still dosent see it so ive given up ..
Ive chosen not to speak to her because im scared that I will fall for her again.
I dont know if this is the right path but its all I can think of at the moment

thanks for taken your time for reading my blog my life is boring yeh ?


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