Sunday, August 30, 2009

out of ideas

At this moment in life i dont know what to do anymore I cant think of anything eles to do everything I do or try to do ends up in a mess I cant even keep a friendship alive without fucking it up everyweek over a stupid reason maybe im that selfish i want more then to be friends with her yet knowing we will never be more then
You can be one of the reasons im happy yet you can be the centre gravity of my pain
im afraid to fall for you once again but im also afraid of losing you as my friend and our friendship we have created over the months .
right now our friendship isent like how it was 1month ago back then we were always laughing but now your here listerning to my sad stories im sorry if your bored of them you dont have to listen to them and pretend you care about me

I hope this pain goes away

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