Sunday, November 1, 2009

the end ?

I thought you were a great friend - I was wrong but i still believe you are
I thought you were different from orthers - but your the same no difference.
we shared many memories that we once said that would never be forgotten but i guess the bad side flushed them away which was a pity .
im sorry i put you down but without me in your life you can be happy . it never seemed to bother you when i was gone why would it bother you now ? of what happened on saturday ? neither of us approuched eachorther that was our own fooolishness i guess it was of many things , things you would never understand or see or care .
yes im selfish at times and arrogant but im just human .
your not a come and go person well them i wont come anymore im gone
bye my friend . this is the end or is it i dont know.

1 comment:

  1. seeing as u delted me:

    in response to ur blog: i do want u in my life because without you im UNhappy. it always fuckn bothered me i just didnt want to show them because i was afraid it was cause more problems. but i guess that was the wrong thing to do.. saturday.. i wanted to come and talk to you so badly but you told me not to. i was scared u would walk away or ignore me. whenever u were around you just left or walked off didnt even look at me, and at that point i knew u didnt want to talk to me so i didnt talk to you.. yes i know ur only human but i am to. idk if this is the end but it seems to me that it is. u already 4got me. goodbye.. (W)
