Wednesday, January 27, 2010


in this blogg i might not make any senseee but yeahh its all ive got . its short and simplee

lately i havent been myself i dont know why maybee i do but i keep denying the the issue hoping they arent truee but deep down im scared and i know they are true i cant do anything to avoid it . i cant run away from it and i just cant forget it and move on ):

the two people that use to make me the happiest kid on earth now make me not so happy but upset and replaceed . i feel used in a way and that im not good enough for you .
i try to avoid you but when i do i end up missing you . what do i do ? i seriously dont know . maybe im just over reacting or maybe im jealous i dont know . but heyy i got replaced by peopel that are better then me in everyweek i get it you guys dont have to lie about it .

day by day
i lose myself
fading away to the world
soon ill be nothing.
i dont know what to do im so confused

i dont think any of what wrote made sense but yeahh who gives a shit ayee .
